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0What Men Have To Do With It. Public Policies to Promote Gender Equality
Informe: Barker, G., Greene, M., Siegel, E., Nascimento, M., Segundo, M., Ricardo, C., Figueroa, J.G., Redpath, J., Morrell, R., Jewkes, R., Peacock, D., Aguayo, F., Sadler, M., Das, A., Singh, S.K., Pawar, A., Pawlak, P. (2010). What Men Have To Do With It. Public Policies to Promote Gender Equality. ICRW & Promundo: USA. En el contexto del Men and Gender Equality Policy Project. Coordinado por el International Center for Research on Women and Instituto Promundo.
Disponible en línea en (inglés): https://www.icrw.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/What-Men-Have-to-Do-With-It.pdf
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